The Second OMG CEEB pasta, Based on a true story
Prince weaver: Anyone laughs and i will kick you
~Weaver Got tired of Zy's shit~
~Zyranne got the fuck back here~
Zyranne: (okay)
Clericofmadness: Yeh can we stop abusing our powers?
~finneow got a gay new name and got in here~
Finneow English: Seriously, Dont laugh
Prince Weaver: HAHAHAAH
Finneow English: yeah im gonna go fuck you over now
~Finneow and his gay new name rage quitted~
Prince Weaver: Wow what an Idio-
~Weaver has been renamed to PONY~
Dempugs: omg what is happening
FrozenFire2: i have NO idea
Grammatik: frosn pls
PONY: frosn pls
Ectobiologist: frosn pls
Clericofmadness: Well fuck this im of too right some shitty book or somthin
~clericofmadness is gettin real tired of your shit and left~
DemPugs: (dedchatz)
PONY: prammeh wat r u doin
Pramirez123: im just over here talking to Mr Remington TummyTums
NoOneWillSee: Who the fuck is-
~Pramirez123 has been killed by Mr Tummytums~
NoOneWillSee: Huh, Well that might make a good CREEPYPASTA
Zyranne: yehno
~Castiels Nipples has nothing better to do~
Ectobiologist: uh, Haiii <3
Grammatik: (-_- )
CPwikiCHATlogger: I have not seen People being open minded since i have been here!
PONY: wat
Dempugs: defuq
~Ceiling Nick Has ceist his watching and joined~
~Jesse Felt the force of nick's Big Throbbing Banhammer~
Castiels Nipples: What just happend
Whyamireadingthis: ceeb drones
All of chat: wat
Whyamireadingthis: CEEB DRONES
PONY: Bullshit
Whyamireadingthis: :|
~like, 9001 ceeb drones have joined the chat~
Whyamireadingthis: Brace yourselfs, This is gonna hurt a bit.
~Finneow and his gay name got in here~
Finneow English: yeah i want none of this
~Finneow Dont want none of this shit~
Whyamireadingthis: brace yourselfs, fuckwads
~ceiling nick banhammered all teh ceeb drones causing a... *puts on sunglasses* CEEBSPLOSION (YEAHHHH)~
Whyamireadingthis: that was easy
Kill1mes: this is why i dont come here anymore
PONY: ...
PONY: So can someone fix my na-
Whyamireadingthis: no
PONY: Well, fuck you too!
~PONY and his CHEESY name rage quitted~
MORAL OF THE STORY: Weavers name is stupid.